Intent whatsapp android studio
Intent whatsapp android studio

Intent.putParcelableArrayListExtra(Intent. Intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "Text caption message!!") Uri uri3 = Uri.parse("android.resource:///drawable/image3") ĪrrayList imageUriArray = new ArrayList()

intent whatsapp android studio

Uri uri2 = Uri.parse("android.resource:///drawable/image2") Code Snippet: Uri uri1 = Uri.parse("android.resource:///drawable/image1") Public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity catch ( can share multiple images to WhatsApp contacts using Intents by using putParcelableArrayListExtra method and passing an image URI ArrayList object. Send WhatsApp Message From Android App WhatsApp Intent Android Studio Tutorial Foxandroid 12. Use the code marked in bold to instantiate the resource ID used in the layout file as shown below. Refer to Understanding Concepts Of OOPs to go through the process of creating new code file.

intent whatsapp android studio

In the below code, we have used certain properties of EditText (setting hint, setting background drawable, setting padding, setting input type) and Button (setting margin, setting background color, setting text, declaring resource ID) which have been covered in Primary EditText Functionalities and Primary Button Functionalities respectively. You can also some other UI component through which WhatsApp can be started. Use the following code for designing the layout file. Then, Name the Drawbale Resource file as. Step 3 : Custom EditText Background Design. Open adle (app level) and in dependencies section add the below. Step 2 : Adding Country Code Picker library.

Refer to Creating New Layout File to go through the process of creating new layout files. Add any URL schemes passed to canLaunchUrl as entries in your AndroidManifest.xml, otherwise it will return false in most cases starting on Android. For Business Whatsapp and normal Whatsapp: To handle both business whatsapp and normal whatsapp, the url scheme intent needs to be used, since the normal method of using package 'com.whatsapp' only works for normal whatsapp. Send Message android whatsapp intent Step 1 : Create a new Android Project.

Android Java full Project convert to Kotlin in.There are two intents available in android as Implicit Intents and Explicit Intents. It is mostly used to start activity, send broadcast receiver,start services and send message between two activities.

intent whatsapp android studio

Creating New Layout FileĬreate a new layout file. All Languages Translator App clone Language Translator Android App clone in Android Studio What is an Intent in Android An intent is to perform an action on the screen. Refer to Create And Run Android Project to go through the process of creating new Android Projects.

Intent whatsapp android studio